Defining Your Style and Building a Wardrobe of curated Signature Pieces

Style is an individual’s unique approach to dressing and appearance, as well as the way they communicate with others. It is a highly effective communication tool that can convey confidence, creativity and an overall sense of poise. Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of style and are not sure where to start in creating a personal style that is uniquely them. The good news is that defining your style and building a wardrobe of curated signature pieces is easier than you think.

Developing your personal style requires a bit of self-reflection and experimentation. You can begin by taking a look at your daily routines and identifying the activities that define your lifestyle. For example, do you spend the majority of your time at work? Are you involved in creative pursuits? Observing the things that you do on a regular basis will help you determine the types of clothing and accessories that are best for you.

Once you’ve identified your core values, it’s important to create a wardrobe that aligns with those values. You can find inspiration from fashion icons and celebrities on social media, as well as style bloggers and online articles. Creating a Pinterest board or even cutting out pictures from magazines is an excellent way to collect ideas and compile a collection of looks that capture your interest. From there, you can identify patterns and colors that you like the most and begin to piece together outfits that are uniquely you.

The term “style” also has a technical definition, as it applies to the mechanics of writing. For example, a writer’s style is the unique way in which they tell a story and is what distinguishes them from other authors. If two writers write about the same subject, but use different writing styles, each article will have a completely different impact on the reader. For example, if a writer is influenced by Ernest Hemingway, their work will likely include sparse language and a strong emphasis on description.

While a person’s style does change over time, certain elements can have remarkable staying power. A classic leather jacket, for example, is a timeless fashion staple that can be worn with countless outfits and is still incredibly stylish. High-quality fabrics, harmonious colors and exceptional fit are other aspects of fashion that have staying power and will continue to be in style well past the latest trend.

While determining your style does take some trial and error, embracing your signature pieces is the best way to make your wardrobe truly yours. When you choose to wear something that makes you feel confident and beautiful, it will naturally evoke the same positive response in other people. Choosing versatile accessories that can be worn in many ways is another way to add your own spin on an everyday look. Some people are known by their signature hoop earrings, gold brooch or Chanel scarf – an accessory that identifies them with their look.