How to Define Your Style


The word style can be defined as “a way of doing something” or “a distinctive appearance”. It is important to have a personal style because it defines you and tells the world who you are. A personal style can help you stand out from the crowd and make a positive impact on others. Style is a form of self-expression that can be seen through your clothing, hair, and makeup. Having a personal style also helps you feel confident and comfortable.

There are a few different types of writing styles. Some are descriptive, some are persuasive, and others are narrative. Each type of style has a unique effect on the reader and can influence the tone, voice, and mood of a piece of literature.

A descriptive writing style involves using vivid imagery and metaphors to paint a picture for the reader. This is a great way to evoke emotions in the reader, which can be a powerful tool when used properly. Examples of descriptive writing include poetry, short stories, and novels.

Persuasive writing aims to convince the reader that a particular point of view or belief is correct. This style of writing is commonly used in speeches and essays. Persuasive writing can also be found in magazines and newspapers.

A narrative writing style places the reader into a scene and allows them to experience the emotions of the protagonist. This can be a effective tool for building character, setting, and tone in literature. Examples of narrative writing include novels, short stories, and newspaper articles.

There are many ways to find your style, but it is important to take the time to figure it out. A few simple steps and a thesaurus can go a long way in helping you define your own style.

Conduct a Closet Clean Out

Start by cleaning out your closet and getting rid of items that no longer fit, don’t suit you, or haven’t been worn in a while. Having a lean closet makes it easier to see the clothes you love and identify any gaps in your wardrobe.

Do a Shopping Fast

Going on a shopping fast can be an effective way to define your style. Set a day aside and commit to not swiping your credit card, but instead spend a no-pressure day looking at clothes that you want to add to your wardrobe. Take notes and create a wishlist for yourself, so that the next time you go shopping you can focus on pieces you actually need, rather than being impulsive.

Invest in the Details

When it comes to finding your style, the devil is in the details. Invest in pieces that are timeless, and you will be able to wear them for years to come. Investing in classic pieces will also help you avoid falling into the trap of following trends too closely, which can be an easy way to fall out of style quickly. Finally, it is important to develop a signature look, like a certain hairstyle or makeup routine, that will become identifiable with you and help to distinguish you from other people.