Defining Your Style

A person’s style is one of their most valuable assets. It gives them a unique identity, makes them memorable, and lets the world know what they stand for. However, many people underestimate the importance of their style and tend to leave it up to chance or simply don’t think about it at all. This is a huge mistake because having a well-defined personal style can have a major impact on your life, both professionally and socially.

Defining your style isn’t easy but it can be done in several ways. A good place to start is by doing a closet clean out and reevaluating the items that you have in your wardrobe. This will help you to see if there are any patterns or trends that you can identify. Once you’ve made this list you can then reevaluate your shopping habits and only purchase items that you know will work well with the other pieces in your wardrobe.

You can also take a more hands on approach by creating a scrapbook or pin board to illustrate your style personality. This is a great way to get creative and it also helps you to really pin down your specific style, so you can refer to it when making decisions about what to wear. Pinterest is a great web based tool to facilitate this, or you can take a more traditional approach by cutting out magazine images and putting them in a book. You can then display the book in your room or on the back of your wardrobe door so that you always have your style personality goals at hand.

Another thing to consider when defining your style is tone. Tone is the mood or feeling that you are evoking in your writing and can make a big difference in how readers interpret it. For example, if you are writing an essay on a controversial topic and you are passionately disagreeing with the other side of the argument, your tone will likely come across as angry.

Word choice and figurative language are also important components of style, as they can help to set the tone for the overall piece and the emotions that it evokes. For example, if you are writing about a tragedy that happened to someone close to you, the way in which you describe the event can affect how your reader perceives it.

Punctuation is also a part of style, as it can affect how your reader understands the piece. For example, if you are writing poetry about the death of someone close to you, using dashes at the end of your lines can give the impression that the person is being interrupted and highlighting their mortality.

The role that style plays in literature is significant and often goes unnoticed by the reader, but it is what sets pieces of fiction apart from each other. Without style, it would be impossible for works of fiction to have the same voice or meaning and it is what makes them memorable.