How Fashion Has Changed Over Time


Fashion is a form of expression, a way to communicate your feelings, thoughts and ideas through the clothing you wear. It can be an understated whisper or a high-energy scream, it all depends on how you choose to use it. When used correctly, fashion can be an extension of your personality and can make you feel powerful and confident. It’s important to set parameters for yourself in order to find your style and stick with it, but also don’t be afraid to mix styles. For example, if you want to have a grunge/ valley girl vibe then pair ripped jeans with a chic designer top or designer sneakers with a cute cardigan.

Throughout history, fashion has changed with the times, with some styles quickly becoming popular and others disappearing almost as fast. It is widely believed that changes in fashion reflect societal changes, and the financial interests of fashion designers and manufacturers. However, research suggests that internal taste mechanisms also play a role in fashion trends.

Prior to the Industrial Revolution, people would often make their own clothes using locally sourced textiles and fabrics. They would tailor their garments to match the climate and culture where they lived. With the rise of new technologies and factories, fashion began to change rapidly. The first haute couture fashion houses were established in the late 19th century, and professional fashion design became an industry.

Now, with the advent of the internet, fashion has become much more accessible. Fashion blogs, YouTube videos and Instagram accounts provide a platform for individuals to share their personal style with the world. This has allowed for more diversity in fashion and has created a new generation of fashion influencers.

Many of these fashion influencers are celebrities who can command large audiences, and their words and actions can have a massive impact on the way people perceive fashion. This has lead to a new kind of fashion, called “ethical fashion.” This is a type of fashion that incorporates ethical and environmental concerns into the design process and production.

While there are a lot of factors that contribute to fashion, one of the most influential is social media. As the fastest growing media channel, social media is influencing the way we consume and share information and news. As such, it is no surprise that social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram are influencing fashion and the way we dress. For example, when an individual follows a celebrity on Instagram they are likely to see photos of them wearing the latest fashion trends. This is a great way to get inspiration and to learn about the different styles of fashion.