A style is the common name for a certain set of formatting features. A style is simply a group of formatting codes which are written down, organized and then given a common name. Just as all the computer languages used in creating a document have a common’style’ to them which makes the document readable, so the various HTML tags have a style. This ensures that the style is consistent across the whole of the web.
It’s best to learn about the different types of built-in styles which are found in the web. For example, you will see the built-in style – when used on a website – that is usually displayed above the contents. This style is usually set using an invisible block around the content – which can either be absolute or relative. Relative positioning is used on block level elements such as buttons and links whereas absolute positioning is used on article level elements.
Other common formatting features which are available to you when you use a web page are the visual type, normal style and edit tab styles. The visual type is almost the same as the normal style and is the most basic of all the styles. It contains rules for the display of graphics on the page. Normal styles are used to describe the normal layout or appearance of a web page such as text and background colour. When using styles which are not built in to the page, you can specify these yourself using CSS.
Another common type of style is the style attribute which can be either absolute or relative. Absolute styles give the page layout a predefined format. Relative styles allow you to specify which elements are visible or invisible depending on the current visibility setting of an element. It can also be useful when you need to style the entire page. In this case you would use relative attributes instead of elements.
CSS also contains cascade rules which define how multiple styles will cascade down the hierarchy of a document. cascading style sheet is a mathematical term that describes how multiple style sheets will be combined to form one style. cascade style guide tells how different visual elements will be ordered in the cascade style sheet. It uses mathematically related values such as line breaks, preferred widths, line joins and spaces. Each rule in the cascade style guide defines how the styles will be combined.
Web pages that consist of multiple levels of nested style guides will appear differently in Internet Explorer and Firefox. This is due to the fact that Internet Explorer places these style sheets in different categories than Firefox and Chrome. Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox both follow the CSS cascade style guide but have their own distinct way of doing things. Most importantly, both Internet Explorer and Firefox use mathematically related values instead of HTML escaping code. When linking multiple levels of cascading style sheets, both employ relative path information which allows programs to link the styles in the same way as with absolute paths. Style sheets can also reference other style sheets from previous or ancestor stylesheets.