How to Identify Your Style in 3 Words


Style is a way of expressing yourself through the clothing you choose. It’s what distinguishes you from others, makes you unique and memorable, and tells the world who you are. It can seem intimidating to find your personal style, but it’s really just a matter of assessing your preferences and finding the right balance. It’s not about being a chameleon and changing your look from bohemian one day to preppy the next – if you can identify your style in 3 words, shopping for clothes and cleaning out your closet will be so much easier!

A person’s style is a combination of distinctive qualities that define their writing. It results from the choices a writer makes regarding word choice, tone, and syntax. It’s the voice readers hear in their heads as they read a piece of work. It’s also the overall tone and interpretation of a work, which can vary according to the purpose and context of the writing.

There are several different types of styles, including descriptive, persuasive, and formal. Descriptive style focuses on sensory imagery and uses poetic language to describe people, places, and things. It’s often used in fiction and poetry. Persuasive style is aimed at convincing readers to adopt the author’s viewpoint. It’s often seen in advertising, media articles, and speeches. Formal writing is typically found in business documents, essays, and letters.

When determining your style, it’s important to avoid trends or stereotypes. Trying to fit a mold will leave you feeling uninspired and boring. It’s also best not to base your style on a certain gender – if you prefer men’s clothing, go for it! Similarly, if you like feminine details such as bows and lace but don’t want to wear dresses, then just rock a skirt instead.

In order to figure out your personal style, it’s a good idea to compile pictures of the clothes that you love on Pinterest or save them into a designated folder on your phone. Alternatively, you can cut out images from magazines and create a physical mood board. Doing so allows you to see how your preferences are reflected in the clothes you like and helps you identify patterns.

There are a lot of fashion aesthetics trending right now, so it’s crucial to find out which one fits you. Take this 13-question quiz to discover your perfect fashion aesthetic!